
02 Sep 2024

Finding the Glimmers of Joy in Nature’s Masterpiece

Finding the Glimmers of Joy in Nature’s Masterpiece

Marcel Proust's ‘In Search of Lost Time’ concludes with the idea that the meaning of life is found through art and literature – never before has a notion resonated with me quite so deeply.

As I find myself writing this musing from the beautiful Côte D'Azur, also known as the French Riviera, I can’t help but think of the many famous artists – from Matisse to Picasso – and storytellers who have been captivated and inspired by its natural beauty.   

In these moments, I’m grateful to have the time and space to be able to also appreciate what is certainly one of nature’s greatest masterpieces. Whether walking through deep green pine forests or swimming in the turquoise sea, these experiences recharge me and fuel my creativity.

And through these excursions, I have experienced small but meaningful glimmers of human connection. From visiting markets to pick up fresh local produce to shopping for artwork, antiques and handicrafts, I’ve been able to engage with the most inspiring of artisanal craftsmen and craftswomen. 

At times, I’m transported back to my childhood, attending the Lycée Louis Massignon – the French school in Abu Dhabi – which broadened my horizons and immersed me in a culture I find myself appreciating more and more as the years pass by. I’m reminded of the song ‘Douce France, chère pays de mon enfance', which means 'Sweet France, dear country of my childhood'. These memories evoke Proustian moments, like savouring French candies, such as the caramel Carambar, which were a real treat.

But perhaps, above all else, the most beautiful part of the summer has been the opportunity to spend quality time with my mother and create some unforgettable memories.

Reflecting on the last few months with mixed emotions, I've come to realise how time shifts when you decide to take a break. What was once a whirlwind from January to early August, with days blending together, has slowed to a gentle pace.

Now, as I return home to Abu Dhabi, I am inspired and re-energised in my commitment to continue the work that needs to be done for our planet.


2 September 2024